Once the site is selected visits and exploration will be conducted at the site to determine feasibility of construction. Different aspects will be evaluated such as sub-surface conditions, drainage, flood risk and site logistics. A risk analysis will be prepared and a plan developed for the specific site. CrutchoDowneyJV is uniquely qualified for this analysis; our Project Management team has extensive experience with difficult civil site type projects. Our background in earthwork, utilities and underground construction are a major benefit in evaluating site conditions.


At different phases in the preconstruction process the plans will be reviewed and analyzed. From a constructability standpoint a side-by-side comparison will be undertaken of each sheet of the plans. Identifying each component and how it relates to other components in the building process to verify that all the pieces will work together. Possible conflicts will be identified, and solutions offered.


Before the project is released for bidding the specifications and bidding documents will be reviewed. Unnecessary or missing specifications will be identified. A report indicating suggested changes or modifications will be prepared. Eliminating specifications that do not apply ensures that the specifications work together as a unit will lessen the risk to potential subcontractors. When subcontractors understand clearly the scope of work and risk involved, their prices come down. This process also identifies and helps eliminate future problems and change orders.


During the preconstruction process a Quality Control plan is developed. Testing and inspection requirements are identified, and responsibility assigned. The plans and specifications will be reviewed, and a plan developed which includes the requirements for Contractor Quality Control staff. At this point recommendations will be made as to whether the Contractor includes a full time Quality Control Manager, part time or superintendent performs this function. As its standard Quality Control Program CrutchoDowneyJV uses a time-tested system patterned after the program used by the USACE. The plan is based on a three-phase system, the phases are preparatory phase, initial phase and follow-up phase.


To determine the viability, feasibility and possibility of the construction of the project, a review of the plans and specifications will be performed at various times in the preconstruction process. A project that has a high degree of difficulty and risk during construction will increase both the duration and price of the project. During this review areas can be identified and addressed so the risk may be eliminated to the highest degree possible.